Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Mining bicycle, the very same mountain -[bayk] (MTB - mountain of bike). Basic difference from the remaining types of bicycles - wheel of 26 inches (although they are now 24 with the thick casings, which in the sum gives 26); hand brakes, although this is rather the sign of [sportivnosti] of bicycle; shock absorbers and the large number of transfers. Highway bicycle (Road (Racing) Of bike). Classics. Here you can roll always at the high speed Beza any interferences along the flat road and delight in by process. The wheels with a diameter of 27 inches or, depending on the standard of measurement, 700 s either 622 mm. are tourist or hybrid (Touring, Hybrid). Wheels the same as in the highway, but rubber to [potolshche] and on this bicycle already it is possible to move out to any path or path. It is intended, as can be seen from name, for the prolonged trips combine in itself the lightness of highway bicycles with reliability and passability of mountain. Urban bicycle ([S]ity of bike). It is previously completed by wings, baggage carrier and other practical attributes. It is intended for the trips from the house to the work or simply rolling in the park. This is professional bicycle, although its price can be different, depending on hinge quantity and frames. Owners such bicycles do not love to go into the technicalities and the wisdom; therefore bicycles are completed by rear bushings with the gearshift inside, which can be switched by costing on the spot. The number of transfers can be from three to seven. Brakes, as a rule, are foot. Naturally, the bicycle, all whose mechanisms are hidden inward, in effect it does not require withdrawal. In Western Europe cities the bicycles of such type can be met by parked almost in each post.

Start on the move


Some select its first bicycle exclusively on the color and the price. It is explainable, as it is correct to buy bicycle. If you read everything from the very beginning, then, they most likely, already formed their opinion about that, for which and what type to you was necessary bicycle. Your budget will be the now most important decisive factor. Unfortunately, bicycles do not stand as the bottle of mineral water. But life- that continues, and to buy nevertheless which that is must! If we approach the matter seriously, then for the beginning it is necessary to learn as much as possible salesmen, dealers, [distribyutorov] in the zone of reach (from where you are capable of bringing bicycle home). For example, to examine versions in the adjacent republic or the country is thoughtless, even if there there are proposals cheaper, because road and any additional payments (custom-house, VAT, other local taxes, about which you do not suspect, sending) will add in the cost to 50% of the declared price. And then, to whom you do intend to present guarantee claims, and who will answer for the nonconformity of the sent goods to that ordered? To [nasobirat] information it is possible at the exhibitions, the competitions, the festivals, in the periodicals and the Internet, do not be troubled to be advised the friends, they also can know something. But do not entrust to their opinion blindly and do not rely only on it. First, your familiar can not all know, especially about the inexpensive bicycles, at whom you look.


In the second place, in it there can be old relations with any bicycle company; therefore it dvises to you precisely it, but it will describe about the competitors nothing of good. Thirdly, it should somewhere place its old bicycle, and it can propose it to you. It is worthwhile to focus attention on stamp with the selection of bicycle? Yes, it stands. Known stamp is the guarantee of quality. Selection - matter subjective. As in the machines: some buy only “Mercedes”, others will be satisfied “by Ford”, and the third will take “Zhiguli”, although money would be sufficient, also, on “[porshe]”. By the way, in the Ukraine rumor made some stamps prestigious, although on the native land they are not considered something from a number by there emerging. Select as you want among the equal. It would be desirable previously to warn against the purchase of the cheapest bicycle from the model number of company or generally on the market. Chances are high, that you will rapidly master the technology of rolling, will begin to improve it and will want more expensive model. The case, when man in the week replaced seven bicycles, is known, but many such expenditures can prove to be not on the pocket.

Less suitable models

Thus, besides price, on your selection must have an effect the following factors: the type of bicycle, geometry, the style of rolling, simplicity of purchase and maintenance, the image of stamp, the correspondence to personal style. After this, on price lists and catalogs of dealers should be outlined the circle the more or less suitable models.

As to buy bicycle. After you were determined with the purchase, the following major step - to explain, there is whether the pleased model of necessary size in sale. Sometimes happens to have to more advantageous purchase bicycle directly of the pleased stamp. Some firms will propose reduction to you, but if there is no suitable bicycle in the presence, will be accepted order on. On this you economize from 15% to 25%, but you wait the pair of weeks or months of current delivery. Bear in mind that if you ordered something exotic, him it can not prove to be even on the European storage, from which the goods enters the Ukraine. In that case neither you nor will be able to make anything other, except as patiently to wait. Good to still learn, as the matter concerning the guarantee repair in that firm, where you buy bicycle, proceeds. It is healthy, when in the store is his workshop intelligent mechanic. Purchase from the hands is fraught with the fact that to you they can sell the stolened, or completed by cheap components bicycle. To man, who possesses insufficient quantity of information, this is very heavy to verify.

Basic types of the bicycles

and present day exists four basic types of the bicycles: urban, highway, mountain and special ([trialnye], children's…). All the remaining bicycles are “hybrid” combinations of these four types.On the whole the cases the combination of the size (diameter) of wheel, a quantity and the type of shock absorbers - practically uniquely determines that class to which it relates bicycle itself, although there are exceptions.In a quantity of shock absorbers the bicycles are divided into these classes: Bicycle without the shock absorbers. So for example shock absorbers never place on the highway bicycles and BMX bicycles. So this can be urban bicycle or the initial model of mining bicycle. This, often, or the specialized sport apparatus or the bicycle of initial level on which fork is absent for the savings. Catalog of bicycles without the amortization

Bicycle with the front amortization fork. Today - the most common type of bicycles, amortization fork makes bicycle that more controlled (especially on the impassable road), and the ride of of more comfortable. Depending on the designation of bicycle - the motion of fork can be from 30 to 300[mm]. Catalog of bicycles with the front shock absorber


Bicycle with the front and rear shock absorber. The bicycles of this class are both the comfortable urban bicycles, the super-lightweight two-suspensions with the slow speed of shock absorbers for crosscountry race -[kantri] and by the [tyazhelennymi] “machines” for the high-speed descent (“Down Of hill”). This, often, or the specialized sport apparatus or bicycle for the comfortable ride up to not the great distances.Catalog of bicycles with two shock absorbers The bicycle with the front amortization fork, whose feathers of rear triangle have special geometry for the additional amortization. Sometimes instead of such feathers are established [korotkokhodnye] shock absorbers. These are the usually very expensive and specialized sport bicycles for crosscountry race -[kantri].

So there are shock absorbers in the girth pintle and the extension of control, which are established, in essence, in [sitibaykakh] and other bicycles for the comfortable ride. These are only most characteristic and frequently meeting types of bicycles. Now the set of the models of different producers is present on the market, and on this page is given the exemplary classification of bicycles, which can help to select bicycle.

Catalog of the mining bicycles

Mining bicycle (MTB, mountain of bike). Mining bicycleDiameter of wheel 26 ". They can be both without the shock absorbers and with the front shock absorber or with two shock absorbers. Has the increased road Mining bicycles distinguishes highly durable construction, wide casings with “evil” protector, large number of transfers and excellent passability along any roads. Bicycles have their own subgroups depending on their designation, but mining bicycle with the front shock absorber and the classical frame - is today the most common and universal type of bicycle. But this universality is reached due to a certain loss of speed characteristics on the highways. Types of the mining bicycles Catalog of the mining bicycles

Highway bicycle (Road of bike, Road of racing of bicycle). Highway bicycle Diameter of wheel 28 ". Without the shock absorbers. Narrow smooth casings. Bent control “sheep horns”. Low landing of cyclist. Characteristically large gear ratio.

Track bicycle

Highway bicycle is intended for the rapid ride along good roads, it makes it possible to for long maintain high speed. Bicycles for [Triatlona] - this by the variety of highway (racing) bicycles from several changed with geometry frame, possibly with the different diameter of wheels. Bicycles are not universal: badly it is suitable for a ride out of the asphalt and along the roads with the broken asphalt (poor passability), badly it is BE suitable for tourism, it is inconvenient for the unhurried ride, the poor maneuverability of bicycle.

Track bicycle (Track of bicycle) Track bicycle Diameter of wheel 27 " - 28 ". Without the shock absorbers. The special variety of highway bicycles, intended for the races on the track, has neither speed-control mechanism nor brakes. Wheel rigidly with interconnected circuit with the pedals; therefore there is no free motion. The wheels of, as a rule, 27 inches, although they frequently front leading and rear have different diameter. The specialized sport bicycle - is not intended for the use out of the track.

Tourist bicycles

Tourist bicycles Diameter of wheel 28 ". Without the shock absorbers or with the [korotkokhodnym] front shock absorber. The durable frames, to which are possible installation of baggage carrier, wider smooth rubber. The most straight direct possible or bent control. Bicycle is intended for the tourism, i.e., for the measured off ride along the most diverse roads, combining high speed on the highway with the relative passability over the impassable road. Bicycles are not very universal: the poor maneuverability of bicycle, bicycle are not suitable for races, aggressive ride. Catalog of the cross-connecting bicycles

Hybrid (Hybrid, Cross). Hybrid Diameter of wheel 28 ". Without the shock absorbers or with the [korotkokhodnymi] shock absorbers. The geometry of frame is close to the mining bicycle. Straight control, the adjustable extension.

Beach bicycles

Bicycle is suitable well for distant journeys, ride around the city, walk on the parks. Durable frame and reliable equipment makes it possible to be moved along the roads with the different type of coatings up to the poor primings with the decent speed. Bicycle is sufficiently universal: with insignificant reduction in the properties, inherent in mining bicycle, the hybrid has noticeably best running qualities on the highway, but badly it is suitable for races and aggressive ride. Catalog of the cross-connecting bicycles Urban bicycle (Citybike, road bicycle). Urban bicycle Diameter of wheel 28 ". These are the closed (man) or open (female) frame, nondetachable rear fenders, baggage carrier, headlight and dynamo. Landing is vertical.

Bicycle is intended for the ride on the city, the parks, into the store and to the work. Bicycle is not intended for the prolonged trips and the trips on the impassable road. Road bicycle has one or several transfers, there are many models, equipped with automatic gearshifts. Bicycle is not suitable for races, aggressive ride.

The bicycles

Bicycle is intended for the unhurried of walk up to the relatively small distances. It to conveniently store and to transport. One or several speeds can be on the bicycle, so is possible the presence of shock absorbers. Bicycle for and freestyle (BMX Trial).BMX. Bicycle for [triala] and freestyle Diameter of wheel 20 ". Without the shock absorbers. Presence “of [pegov]”. Special braking system.

Bicycle for fulfilling the diverse is special effect and picker on special areas with the artificial barriers or in the urban cycle. Besides BMX of bicycles for this are used mining bicycles with the understated intensive frames, the rigid forks and special “modifications”. The specialized bicycle - is not intended for the ride around the city and up to the great distances, aggressive ride is possible.Catalog BMX of the bicycles

Other types of bicycles

Children's bicycle (Kids of bike).
Children's bicycle Diameter of wheel 12 " - 24 ". Two and three wheel (usually 10 "), there can be lateral “small wheels”. Two-wheeled bicycles are usually 12”, 16”, 20”, 24”.
12 " - for the children from 2[kh] of years.
16 " - for the children from 3[kh] of years.
20 " - for the children from 5 years.
24 " - for the children from 7 years.

But after 12 years it is possible to think about the purchase of adult mining bicycle. It is worthwhile to understand - that this correspondence very relative and depends on the growth of child, and the set of other parameters.

Bicycles for the children. Usually these are “reduced” models of mining or urban bicycles with the simplest equipment and the bright “merry” coloring. They can be with one-two shock absorbers and without, to one or several speeds.
Catalog of the children's bicycles

These are still other bicycles, which did not fall under this classification. In essence these are such specific models as tandems, circus and is two wheel [velomobili]. In some countries are let out special bicycles for the police, postmen and even servicemen.

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